The opposing Nationalists were an alliance of Falangists, monarchists, conservatives, and traditionalists led by a military junta among whom General Francisco Franco quickly achieved a preponderant role. Republicans were loyal to the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic, and consisted of various socialist, communist, separatist, anarchist, and republican parties, some of which had opposed the government in the pre-war period. The Spanish Civil War ( Spanish: Guerra Civil Española) was a civil war in Spain fought from 1936 to 1939 between the Republicans and the Nationalists. Soviet–British–French Moscow negotiations Apr.–Aug.Final offensive of the Spanish Civil War Mar.–Apr.Hungarian invasion of Carpatho-Ukraine Mar.German occupation of Czechoslovakia Mar.Undeclared German–Czechoslovak War Sep.1938 Polish ultimatum to Lithuania Mar.

Austro-Slovene conflict in Carinthia 1918–1919.Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War 1918–1925.Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza.